More than eighty civil society organisations and grassroots religious organisations are showing their support for the Nicaraguan people with a campaign of endorsements and the collection of individual support.
At the beginning of June, the controversial Summit of the Americas began and various civil society organisations are showing their solidarity with the more than 180 political prisoners (14 of them women) with the aim of not forgetting the socio-political crisis that the Central American country is experiencing under the authoritarian regime of Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo.
The member organisations urge the international community, through its most representative organisations, to maintain pressure on the regime, demanding respect for the human rights of political prisoners and the entire Nicaraguan population, in order to achieve a civic and peaceful solution to the conflict.
Madrid, 06 June 2022
Photo courtesy of Divergentes – Narrative Journalism
A letter – a communiqué signed by more than ninety organisations of very diverse characteristics and origins, denounces the situation of human rights violations experienced by the entire Nicaraguan population, especially the political prisoners held in the Directorate of Judicial Assistance (DAJ), popularly known as El Chipote.
The support group for the Nicaraguan people, promoter of this letter, emphasizes to denounce the conditions in which political prisoners are held, conditions that violate the elementary norms of human rights, as well as the defencelessness in which they find themselves when they are sentenced in rigged trials and without complying with any legal guarantees. These convictions have not only affected the prisoners, but also their families, driving many of them into exile in order to denounce this situation.
Signatures obtained: 65
Objective: 100